
Travel Guides


Each Travel Guide in the blog is a source of inspiration and provides practical information about the destination in question. We try to include as many details as possible about the duration and costs of our trips to help you plan your own. We know it’s not always easy to squeeze travel planning in a 9-5 routine, so that’s what we’re here for! In our Travel Guides you can find pretty much everything you need to know. Must-see sights of special historic interest. Where to catch the most spectacular views or how to best enjoy nature. Recommendations on what and where to eat and drink. Best time to visit and top things to do. Suggested day trips. The list is endless.

Thorough as they may be, Travel Guides in the blog cannot be and are not exhaustive. Not all of us have the same expectations from our travels. However, they can be seen as useful tools to inspire you and help you plan your very own trips, according to your budget, your interests and the time you can spend in each destination.